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Trace2Place: Pioneering Traceability in the Red Meat Supply Chain

Connecting farm to processor with cutting-edge RegTech solutions to streamline compliance, reduce costs, and enhance data integration for industry-wide food safety standards.

Pork meat with herbs and spices



Start Date: SEPTEMBER 2023 

Completion Date: NOVEMBER 2024

Our project, Trace2Place, was designed for the Red Meat Sector to facilitate a trail for traceability from the farm gate through to processor. It was delivered under AgriBusiness Connect’s sucessful RegTech and Insights Grant application under the National Agriculture Traceability Grants program.  

Project teams and scope were developed with steering committee oversight, challenges identified, and target solutions investigated with recommendations made. The project scope was one of the first in Australia to cover data integration and
presentation from a Food Safety Standards perspective at an industy level.

Key objectives sought were:



Raw meat on dark background. Raw beef stroganoff with herbs and spices. Cooking meat

Outcomes &


Shift RegTech adoption upstream and go international

Our Trace2Place project sought to identify and deploy technologies that enable
tracrability from paddock to processor. Our key outcomes and findings were:

Landscape analysis


Our landscape analysis report extends on our project to encompass the full
AgriFood supply chain.

There is clear alignment with our project highlight the opportunity for extension driven by consumer and market demand and the broader challenges including regulation, standards and technology gaps.

The projects and the landscape analysis have highlighted
common elements that can be synthesised across commodities, markets and countries that we see provide a focus for traceability advancement and adoption.

Portrait of cow leading herd